Donate for
the Great Cause

Bank Transfer

Commonwealth_Bank (1)

Account Number: 10319712
Account Name: Magwi Development Agency Australia Inc
Bank: Commonwealth
BSB: 067105


child: Uniform, school fees, transport

Child Sponsorship

As a sponsor, you can help give a child quality opportunity through education! For $50 a month, you can help transform your sponsored child’s world.

Partner with us as we work with communities to carry out projects designed to address the root causes of poverty and create lasting change. You can monitor your sponsored progress through regular letter exchange between you and the sponsored child.
How child sponsorship helps
Your sponsorship will help provide the following for the sponsored child: Uniform, school fees, transport to and fro school, hygiene items, stationery and feeding etc.

Monthly Donation: $50.00

Enhance Student’s Academic Performance

Teachers’ Training Sponsorship

Our teachers at Fr. Leopoldo Anywar School are mainly made of untrained teachers. By sponsoring a teacher, you are helping improve education quality at Fr. Leopoldo Anywar College and South Sudan in general.
Benefits of Training Teachers:
• Provide Student Support
• Enhance Student’s Academic Performance
• Create All-Inclusive Teaching Spaces
• Improve Teaching-Specific Soft Skills
• Learn New Teaching Strategies
• Use Better Assessment Techniques
• Inculcate Tech-Friendly Teaching
• Brush Up Subject Knowledge
• Learn From Peers
To sponsor a teacher for university studies, it cost $ 4500.00 per year. A diploma qualification is takes two years of studies and for undergraduate degree takes four years.

School Building Construction | BOREHOLES | SCHOOL TRUCK

Proposed Fr. Leopoldo Anywar Institute of Rural Development

Fr. Leopoldo Anywar School has been in operation since 2014, during this period over 45% of girl child who graduated from the high school have not been able to transitioned to tertiary education. This is in part due cultural norms, whereby a girl is not allowed to leave out of home when not married, poverty parents not able to meet the cost of tertiary education and cost of living in urban setting like Juba. Thus, most of these girls are either at home of force into early marriage.  We are seeking your support to help us construct Fr. Leopoldo Anywar Institute for Rural Development next to the high school so that we could provide post-secondary education within the village for the local community.

To build Fr. Leopoldo Anywar Institute for Rural Development we have sub divided level of work as follows:

  • Phase One (First Block of Building)
  • Material Collection
  • Construction
  • Furniture

Costing: To construct one long block of building with administration offices and four classrooms will cost $ 150,000.

BOREHOLES: As Fr. Leopoldo Anywar School expands, there is needs for clean drinking water. We are seeking support to raise the much, needed fund to drill a borehole at Fr. Leopoldo Anywar Institute for Rural Development site.

Target: $15,000.00

AFFORESTATION: We are hoping to plan ten thousand trees within the next five years in Acholi corridor fight global warming and replenish the rain forest cut and burn as charcoal during the war. We will strive to reforested Acholi. One seedling one cost $2.00.

Target: $ 20,000.00

CHICKEN FOR EGGS: Healthy body and Healthy mind, to facilitate growth for young people please donate a chicken for eggs for Fr. Leopoldo Anywar School.

Target: $3000.00

GOATS FOR MILK:  Donate a goat for milk for our students.

Target: $ 3000.00

SCHOOL TRUCK: school truck to support with transportation of students who come long distance to the boarding, transportation of fire wood and farm produce from the farm to school storage. 

Target: $75, 000.00

YOUTH VAN for Refugee Youth: Magwi Development Agency works with young people from new and emerging communities. To improve young people participation in sport activities, community events, recreational activities, homework club and school holidays activities etc. We will also share this van with refugee community organisation on casual booking basis to facilitate access to community activities.

Target: $ 70, 000.00

Donate for
the Great Cause

Bank Transfer

Commonwealth_Bank (1)

Account Number: 10319712
Account Name: Magwi Development Agency Australia Inc
Bank: Commonwealth
BSB: 067105

PayPal Transfer

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